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The Butterfly Red List for Great Britain (Species Status No. 12) 2010


This report contains the first assessment of British butterflies against the new IUCN criteria, which now include far more explicit and quantified criteria (IUCN, 2001, 2003).

The first Red List assessment of butterflies in Britain was produced by Shirt (1987), using the original IUCN criteria. Warren et al (1997) produced a Red List assessment of British butterflies using later IUCN criteria that included the rate of decline, as well as rarity, to assess threat. More recently, species have been prioritised for conservation action through the UK Biodiversity Action Plan process (Bourn et al, 2005; UK Biodiversity Group, 1998), using criteria such as international importance, rate of decline and other important issues (see Warren et al, 2007 for overview).

Since the last two Red List assessments of butterflies in Great Britain, a great deal more detailed information on their distribution has become available through the publication of The Millennium Atlas of Butterflies in Britain and Ireland (Asher et al, 2001) and subsequent recording. Comprehensive new data on both distribution trend and population trend were published in The State of Butterflies in Britain and Ireland (Fox et al, 2006), allowing an up-to-date and comprehensive assessment. It is clear from these data that the status of many butterfly species has changed since the first reviews.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Biota

Reference date 2010··

Fox, R., Warren, M.S. & Brereton, T.M. 2010. A new Red List of British Butterflies, Species Status No. 12, JNCC, Peterborough, ISSN 1473-0154.

This publication is one of a series produced under the auspices of the Species Status Assessment project initiated by JNCC in 1999.

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