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UK Biodiversity Indicators 2023. Indicator D1b: Removal of greenhouse gases by UK forests 2023


Updated 14 November 2023.

These documents support indicator D1b – Removal of greenhouse gases by UK forests. The documents include a datasheet.

Forests are a large store of carbon and also act as an active carbon ‘sink’, removing carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas (GHG), from the atmosphere and storing it as carbon in living biomass, leaf litter and forest soil. This sequestration of CO2 is an essential ecosystem service. This indicator shows the cumulative net removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere by UK forests since 1990. It is split between type of woodland (conifer and broadleaf). Showing greenhouse gas removals by type of woodland is interesting from a biodiversity perspective as it allows a clearer presentation of the contribution made to greenhouse gas removals by broadleaf woodland, most of which constitutes priority habitat.

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More information on UK Biodiversity Indicator D1b is available on the UKBI D1b webpage.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2023·11·14

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK. 2023. UK Biodiversity Indicators 2023.

The UK Biodiversity Indicators were created to provide a measure for reporting on the UK’s progress towards meeting international biodiversity goals and targets and were first published in 2007.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC distributor

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Copyright of data and/or information presented in these resources may not reside solely with the distributor (JNCC). For more information, please contact

Metadata date 2023·11·14

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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