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Broadscale habitat (EUNIS level 3) for Greater Haig Fras recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ) 2015


Broadscale habitat (EUNIS level 3) for Greater Haig Fras recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ).

A broadscale habitat feature class was created to illustrate predicted extent of broadscale habitats present at Greater Haig Fras rMCZ. These broadscale habitats include 'High energy circalittoral rock', 'Moderate energy circalittoral rock', 'Subtidal coarse/mixed sediment', 'Subtidal sand' and 'Subtidal mud' as determined from particle size analysis of sediment samples and descriptive analysis of still images from underwater camera data. The assigned classes at each ground-truth station were used to inform the semi-automated process of map production using object-based image analysis (OBIA).

Resource type Dataset

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2015·03·10

Classification Scheme: EUNIS habitats and a separate FOCI layer. Associated datasets: GB001519 Small "holes" in the dataset less than 100m^2 resulting from remote sensing have been filled and merged with the surrounding habitat via the use of the "Eliminate" tool in ArcGIS in order to reduce unnecessary data vertex complexity. Holes were filled with the polygon sharing the longest border.

Responsible organisation
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC custodian

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence v3.0

Metadata date 2024·03·05

Metadata point of contact
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC

Temporal extent 2011·03·27 2014·03·28

Spatial extent
North 50.5
South 50.08
East -7.36
West -8.2
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