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UKSeaMap 2018 Version 2 – for external release 2018


PLEASE NOTE: as of early 2024, we recommend using EUSeaMap version 2023 over UKSeaMap 2018. We have therefore removed the zipped file download, however it is still available on request from An update to UKSeaMap is due to be published in early 2025.

UKSeaMap 2018V2 is a broad-scale physical habitat map for UK waters. It is a by-product of the 2013-2016 activities of the EMODnet Seabed Habitats 2013–2016 consortium. This dataset contains two products: a roughly 100 m* resolution broad-scale predictive seabed habitat map in geodatabase format, and a set of confidence maps in GeoTIFF format. The data has been clipped to cover the current extent of the UK continental shelf.

*3 arc second = 93 m latitudinally by between 44 m (north) and 53 m (south) longitudinally

Classification system:

  • EUNIS habitat classification system, with additional deep sea zones
  • MSFD Benthic Broad Habitat Types
  • The Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland (

Input data layers:

  • Seabed substrate type
  • Depth to the seabed
  • Amount of light reaching the seabed
  • Wave disturbance at the seabed
  • Kinetic energy at the seabed caused by tidal currents and waves

Resource type Dataset

Topic category Oceans

Reference date 2018·10·12

Updated 2018/12/17 – UKSeaMap 2018 Version 2 replaces UKSeaMap2018 released in October 2018 and UKSeaMap2016 – The following updates were made: 1) Correction of the correlation table: in previous versions the deep sea “sandy mud to muddy sand” has been equated to EUNIS muddy sand and called "A6.4 deep sea muddy sand", instead of "A6.5 deep sea mud" (see also ChangeDec18 attribute); 2) Translation into JNCCv15 Habitats; 3) Reclassification of substrate in "A6.4 or A6.5 polygons" (FOLK Muddy sands) based on UKSeaMap 2010 and BGS PSA data; 4) Addition of EUNIS Level 3 habitats attribute (EL3_LON18) ~~~~~ Updated 2018/10/12: UKSeaMap 2018 replaces UKSeaMap2016. Substrate updated in most of UKShelf as a result of the publication of "Prediction of outcrops or subcrops of rock in UK shelf seabed" doi:10.25603/840424.1.0.0 ~~~~~ Updated 2017/10/16: MSFD predominant habitats reclassifed as MSFD Benthic Broad Habitat Types (as defined in Commission Decision May 2017) Composite data product, created by merging the UK 3-arc-second case study and EUSeaMap 2016 outputs of EMODnet Seabed Habitats phase 2. The UK 3-arc-second dataset was erased (in ArcGIS) from EUSeaMap 2016, to create a single full-coverage and flat dataset, before clipping to the UK continental shelf.

Responsible organisation
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC distributor

Limitations on public access None

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence v3.0. Attribution statement: "JNCC data © copyright and database right 2018 contains UKHO data © copyright and database right 2018".

Metadata date 2024·06·20

Metadata point of contact
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC

Temporal extent 2016·11·01 2016·11·01

Spatial extent
North 63.887068
South 47.435408
East 3.39855
West -25.13538
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