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Carboniferous and Permian Igneous Rocks of Great Britain North of the Variscan Front (Geological Conservation Review Series No. 27) 2003


Volume 27 of the Geological Conservation Review series, Carboniferous and Permian Igneous Rocks of Great Britain North of the Variscan Front, describes the volcanic rocks and associated intrusions that were emplaced during the Carboniferous and Permian periods, 350 to 250 million years ago.

Detailed site descriptions illustrate their variety and distribution and highlight critical localities of historical and continuing national and international importance. The descriptions are linked by chapter introductions that provide more complete discussions of the various suites in their full geological context and the magmatism is related to the overall tectonic history of north-west Europe in an introductory chapter. The volume constitutes a comprehensive summary of a major province that has contributed greatly to our knowledge of igneous rocks and their origin since the earliest days of geological investigations.

The contents of the volume include:

  • Prelims – including an introduction to the Geological Conservation Review (GCR) and the list of sites discussed in the volume.
  • Chapter 1 – Carboniferous and Permian igneous rocks of Great Britain north of the Variscan Front: an introduction
  • Chapter 2 – Dinantian volcanic rocks of the Midland Valley of Scotland and adjacent areas
  • Chapter 3 – Dinantian volcanic rocks of the Northumberland, Solway and Tweed basins
  • Chapter 4 – Silesian and Early Permian volcanic rocks of Scotland
  • Chapter 5 – Alkaline basic sills and dykes of Scotland
  • Chapter 6 – Tholeiitic sills and dykes of Scotland and northern England
  • Chapter 7 – Carboniferous and Permian igneous rocks of central England and the Welsh Borderland
  • References, Glossary & Index

Please note: this volume has been produced from a scan of an original document. You may therefore experience fluctuations in quality.

Resource type Publication

Topic category GeoscientificInformation

Reference date 2003··

Stephenson, D., Loughlin, S.C., Millward, D., Waters, C.N. & Williamson, I.T. 2003. Carboniferous and Permian Igneous Rocks of Great Britain North of the Variscan Front. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 27, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 497 2.

Volume 27 of the Geological Conservation Review Series.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC publisher

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2022·06·28

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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