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OWSMRF Pilot Year Concept Notes and Scopes of Work 2022


The Offshore Wind Strategic Monitoring and Research Forum (OWSMRF) is an industry-led collaborative forum that aims to better understand the impact of large-scale offshore wind development on marine birds.

The Pilot Year (2019–2020) focused solely on ornithology. A novel top-down approach was used to identify which species and knowledge gaps OWSMRF should focus on. Cumulative effects on black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) was identified as the issue posing greatest concern for future offshore wind farm consenting.

The Pilot Year Concept Notes collate and summarise the Research Opportunities identified by OWSMRF for black-legged kittiwake. Five of these Research Opportunities have been developed into detailed Scopes of Work to provide an outline of how each of the projects could be undertaken, and highlight the rationale, aims and objectives, work required, outputs and resource requirements of each project:

  • Scope of Work for Research Opportunity 1.1: Review of systems for monitoring bird collisions at offshore wind farms (RO 1.1a and 1.1b)
  • Scope of Work for Research Opportunity 1.2: Co-ordinated, strategic GPS tracking programme: multiple colonies
  • Scope of Work for Research Opportunity 2.3: Feasibility study for large-scale deployment of mark-recapture systems (RO 2.3a)
  • Scope of Work for Research Opportunity 2.4: Feasibility review for catching black-legged kittiwakes at sea (RO 2.4a)
  • Scope of Work for Research Opportunity 3.1: Modelling of kittiwake meta-population dynamics

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Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2022·08·01

OWSMRF Pilot Year Concept Notes and detailed scopes of work for five Research Opportunities.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC author

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2022·08·09

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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