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The Irish Sea Pilot Final Report 2004


The purpose of the Irish Sea Pilot was to help develop a strategy for marine nature conservation that could be applied to all UK waters and, with international collaboration, the adjacent waters of the north-east Atlantic. The work fulfils a commitment made by the UK Government in May 2002, at the launch of Safeguarding our Seas, and was funded primarily by Defra with contributions from other partners.

A proposed framework for marine nature conservation, developed as part of Defra's Review of Marine Nature Conservation, envisaged the need to take action at a range of scales. These scales were: (i) the Wider Sea; (ii) the Regional Sea; (iii) Marine Landscapes; and (iv) Nationally-important habitats and species. The proposed framework anticipated that a range of measures would be needed to conserve marine biodiversity, including protected areas, spatial planning and other measures.

The pilot project tested the practicality and potential method of operation of the proposed framework and the additional measures needed to put it into effect. The report made 64 recommendations (provided as a separate document).

This report was also originally published as a series of separate documents, which are available through The National Archives website.

More information on the Irish Sea Project can also be found on The National Archives website.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Oceans

Reference date 2004··

Vincent, M.A., Atkins, S.M., Lumb, C.M., Golding, N., Lieberknecht, L.M. & Webster, M. 2004. The Irish Sea Pilot (Marine nature conservation and sustainable development). Report to Defra by JNCC, Peterborough.

The purpose of the Irish Sea Pilot was to help develop a strategy for marine nature conservation that could be applied to all UK waters and, with international collaboration, the adjacent waters of the north-east Atlantic

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC author

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2020·06·04

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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