Resource type Service
Topic category Boundaries
Reference date 2019·01·17
17/01/2019 - layer updated to include nine new Marine Nature Reserves.
01/12/2014 - Shapefile created to display Ramsey MNR
Responsible organisation
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC
Limitations on public access No limitations
Use constraints Data is available under Open Government Licence. You must acknowledge the source of the Information by including the attribution statement in the credits section. OGL © Crown copyright. Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture, Isle of Man.
Metadata date 2020·12·18
Metadata point of contact
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC
Temporal extent 2018·09·01 ··
Spatial extent | |
North | 54.467873 |
South | 54.002531 |
East | -4.272666 |
West | -4.866544 |