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Recommendations for the selection of, and boundary options for, an SPA in Liverpool Bay 2006


In a previous report (JNCC Report No. 373), analyses of aerial survey data were reported, aimed at identifying likely numbers and distributions of waterbirds using Liverpool Bay in the non-breeding season. The results indicated that Liverpool Bay hosted populations of red-throated divers Gavia stellata and common scoter Melanitta nigra in numbers that exceeded thresholds that would qualify the site for SPA status.

In assessing Liverpool Bay for possible SPA qualification, it was recommended (JNCC Report No. 373) that it be considered a single site because aggregations of both red-throated divers and common scoter were relatively continuously distributed over the site, occurring at distances less than 10 km apart. If this recommendation is accepted, population assessments used in Stage 1 and 2 judgements should therefore apply to Liverpool Bay as a whole rather than to any sub-areas or disjunct aggregations of birds.

This report follows on from JNCC Report No. 373 and aims to identify options for boundaries for any possible SPA in Liverpool Bay; it should be read in conjunction with the previous report, not least because of frequent reference to the latter herein.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2006··

Webb A., McSorley C.A., Dean B.J. & Reid J.B. 2006. Recommendations for the selection of, and boundary options for, an SPA in Liverpool Bay. JNCC Report No. 388, JNCC, Peterborough.

This report aims to identify options for boundaries for any possible SPA in Liverpool Bay, and follows on from JNCC Report No. 373.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC publisher

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2020·05·27

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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