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Quaternary of Wales (Geological Conservation Review Series No. 2) 1989


Volume 2 of the Geological Conservation Review series, the Quaternary of Wales, describes the Quaternary rocks and landforms of Wales. The volume covers the evidence in the rock record for Pleistocene glaciations, fluctuating sea-levels during and between these catastrophic cold phases, and the presence of ancient flora and fauna, including early man. The severe climatic decline that characterizes the last part of the Cenozoic Era ends with the present (Holocene) interglacial, a period of rapid vegetational change reflecting the climatic improvement which has come with the last ten thousand years of geological time.

The contents of the volume include:

  • Prelims – including an introduction to the Geological Conservation Review (GCR) and the list of sites discussed in the volume.
  • Chapter 1 – An introduction to the Quaternary
  • Chapter 2 – The Quaternary rocks and landforms of Wales
  • Chapter 3 – Quaternary stratigraphy: Gower
  • Chapter 4 – Quaternary stratigraphy: west and south-west Wales
  • Chapter 5 – The Quaternary of South Wales
  • Chapter 6 – The Quaternary of Mid Wales
  • Chapter 7 – Quaternary stratigraphy: north-west Wales
  • Chapter 8 – The Quaternary of North Wales
  • References and Index

Please note: this volume has been produced from a scan of an original document. You may therefore experience fluctuations in quality.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 1989··

Campbell, S. & Bowen, D.Q. 1989. Quaternary of Wales, Geological Conservation Review Series No. 2. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0 86139 570 0.

Volume 2 of the Geological Conservation Review Series.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC publisher

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2022·02·23

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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