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Montserrat Data Gateway: End of Project Report 2019


Project report on the setting up of the Montserrat Data Gateway, including project background, objectives, implementation, successes, challenges, impact & recommendations.

SAERI was contracted by JNCC to undertake the Date Gateway Project in Montserrat towards the latter part of 2018, working with JNCC and the Government of Montserrat (GOM). This followed on from the earlier phase of the data management for Montserrat which focussed on developing an online metadata catalogue for GOM This document is the end of project report that reports on the delivery of the project against the objectives.

Resource type Publication

Topic category GeoscientificInformation

Reference date 2019·04·01

Refer to report

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC distributor

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Open, cite source of data

Metadata date 2020·10·21

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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