Resource type NonGeographicDataset
Topic category Biota
Reference date 2023·12·06
This dataset is a collation of various conservation designation listings. JNCC compiles the information from a variety of published sources such as Red lists, Taxon Status Reviews, UK Priority species lists and schedules of international and national legislation. The species names on these lists are all cross referenced to the recommended taxon names on the UK Species Inventory managed by the Natural History Museum on behalf of the National Biodiversity Network. This matching process ensures that all of the designations relating to an individual species are all correctly tagged for that species. On some published lists the designated names are for groups of organisms such as "all bats" or "all cetaceae" (whales and dolphins). In such cases the individual species naturally occurring within the UK are listed.
The first version of this list was published in 2004. An audit trail of subsequent updates is shown here
The JNCC collation of species designations is used within the Recorder biological recording software package.
Responsible organisation
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC
Limitations on public access No Limitations
Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence v3. Re-use requires acknowledgement of the source of the information in your product or application by including or linking to the following attribution statement: "Contains JNCC/NE/NRW/NatureScot/NIEA data © copyright and database right 2023".
Metadata date 2023·12·13
Metadata point of contact
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC
Temporal extent 1979·01·01 2023·04·23