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JNCC’s Tranche Three pre-consultation advice on offshore Marine Conservation Zones 2018


JNCC’s Tranche Three pre-consultation advice on offshore Marine Conservation Zones.

These three advice documents form part of JNCC's Tranche Three pre-consultation advice on Marine Conservation Zones considered for designation in 2019. The consultation took place between June and July 2018.

  1. Overview of JNCC’s scientific advice on possible offshore Marine Conservation Zones around England considered for consultation in 2018 – This provides an overall summary of all three elements of JNCC’s scientific advice and provides a high-level summary of the assessment results for each site.

  2. JNCC's scientific advice on possible offshore Marine Conservation Zones considered for consultation in 2017, November 2016 – This report details JNCC’s site assessments for offshore recommended MCZ identified in the regional MCZ projects, to better inform the final decision-making process about which sites should go forward to a public consultation in 2018.

  3. JNCC’s scientific advice on possible offshore site options for consideration as Marine Conservation Zones to contribute to the MPA network, February 2017 – This summary report details the method followed to identify the potential new offshore MCZs to fill any shortfalls predicted within Defra’s contribution to the MPA network, and JNCC’s scientific assessments of each of these sites. Note: This document also contains JNCC and Natural England’s advice: 'Overview of the contribution to the MPA network of inshore and offshore site options being considered as potential MCZs, February 2017' (see Annex 3).

JNCC and Natural England’s scientific advice on proposed MCZs for highly mobile species, February 2017 and Natural England’s advice on possible inshore Marine Conservation Zones considered for consultation are published on the Natural England website.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2018·06·01

These three advice documents form part of JNCC's Tranche Three pre-consultation advice on Marine Conservation Zones considered for designation in 2019.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC distributor

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2019·09·26

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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