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Monitoring Soil Moisture using Earth Observation Workshop 2020


JNCC hosted an international two-day virtual workshop, on 14 and 15 July 2020, to introduce potential users to the Copernicus Soil Water Index (SWI) and Surface Soil Moisture (SSM) products, their validation, access and use. This workshop was part of a series of events and projects funded by the Caroline Herschel Framework Partnership Agreement for Copernicus User Uptake.

A summary of the workshop is provided in JNCC Report No. 668 (Workshop Report: Monitoring Soil Moisture with Earth Observation for the Caroline Herschel Framework Partnership Agreement for Copernicus User Uptake (Work Package Three)).

Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2020·07·15

These resources were created for a workshop to introduce potential users to the Copernicus Soil Water Index (SWI) and Surface Soil Moisture (SSM) products, their validation, access and use on 14 and 15 July 2020. This work was funded by the Caroline Herschel Framework Partnership Agreement for Copernicus User Uptake.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC resourceProvider

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints no conditions apply

Metadata date 2021·01·18

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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