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The Habitats Directive: selection of Special Areas of Conservation in the UK, 2nd edition (Version 4) (2005, updated 2009) 2009


Part 1: Background to site selection

This document describes the rationale for selection of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) – the process and principles used to guide the selection of the network of SACs in the UK. It replaces JNCC Report No. 270, 'The Habitats Directive: selection of Special Areas of Conservation in the UK', which was published in 1997.

The material within this publication was previously provided as a web-only publication on a series of webpages, which are available through The National Archives. These pages were first produced in 2005, and were updated in response to any changes which were required when the UK submitted new data about candidate Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) to the European Commission, until September 2009. Provided here is Version 4, produced in September 2009 in response to the submission of the 37th Tranche of SACs. Following submission of Tranche 37, a revised process was followed and SACs and SPAs were submitted together rather than separately, and no further updates to the webpages were made.

Parts 2 and 3 of the original (1997) edition of this publication (JNCC Report No. 270) contained details of Annex I habitat type accounts (Part 2) and Annex II species accounts (Part 3) for the UK. This information was not produced as a downloadable document with the second edition. Instead, information on Annex I habitats and Annex II species associated with Special Areas of Conservation in the UK was provided on JNCC's SAC webpages, which have been migrated to JNCC's new website (launched in 2019).

More information about the conservation status of habitats and species listed in annexes I, II, IV and V of the Habitats Directive can be found in the UK's Article 17 Habitats Directive reports. The reports provides information on the conservation status of habitats and species listed in Annexes I, II, IV and V of the Directive.

The first edition of this document (JNCC Report No. 270), published in 1997, is also provided here for reference purposes.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2009··

McLeod, CR, Yeo, M, Brown, AE, Burn, AJ, Hopkins, JJ, & Way, SF (eds.) (2005, updated 2009) The Habitats Directive: selection of Special Areas of Conservation in the UK, 2nd edition (Version 4). Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough.

This publication describes the the process and principles used to guide the selection of the network of SACs in the UK.

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