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Eleventh Article 12 UK Birds Directive Report (2019): Annex A – General Report 2019


Every six years, all EU Member States are required, under Article 12 of the EU Birds Directive, to report on the implementation of the Directive. The 11th UK Birds Directive Report was submitted to the European Commission in October 2019. This general implementation report (known as Annex A) covers metropolitan UK and Gibraltar, and complements the bird species’ status and trends reports under Annex B of the EU reporting format.

Accompanying the general report are a number of appendices which provide a breakdown of the all-UK summary statistics in Sections 3 and 4 into the constituent metropolitan UK and Gibraltar information.

  • Appendix I: Section 3 – Natura 2000 (SPAs) – site classification (Art. 4): summary statistics for metropolitan UK only (based on the UK Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies’ method to define marine sites as ‘sites with marine components’, which is the UK’s method for defining the UK Marine Protected Area network.
  • Appendix II: Section 3 – Natura 2000 (SPAs) – site classification (Art. 4): summary statistics for metropolitan UK only.
  • Appendix III: Section 3 – Natura 2000 (SPAs) – site classification (Art. 4): summary statistics for Gibraltar only.
  • Appendix IV: Section 4 – Set of conservation measures and management plans for Natura 2000 sites (SPAs): summary statistics for metropolitan UK only.
  • Appendix V: Section 4 – Set of conservation measures and management plans for Natura 2000 sites (SPAs): summary statistics for Gibraltar only.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Biota

Reference date 2019·10·01

All EU Member States are required to report on implementation of the EU Birds Directive every six years (under Article 12 of the Directive). The 11th UK report was produced in 2019.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC custodian

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Released under the Open Government Licence v3.0. Attribution statement: "Contains public sector data © JNCC/NE/NRW/SNH/DAERA. Licence: OGL"

Metadata date 2019·12·19

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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