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Marine biotope classification for Britain and Ireland. Volume 1. Littoral biotopes (Version 97.06) 1997


A classification of benthic marine biotopes (seashore and seabed habitats and their associated communities) for Britain and Ireland has been developed by the Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR) as a contribution to BioMar, a four-year project part-funded by the European Commission's Life programme.

The classification is intended as a tool to aid management and conservation of marine habitats, and to contribute to existing, but at present poorly developed, marine classifications for Europe. It has been developed by analysing empirical data sets, reviewing other classifications and the literature, and through collaboration with a wide range of marine scientists and conservation managers.

This report outlines the approaches adopted to development of the classification, a full listing of defined types and a description of types for the littoral (intertidal) zone together with those types from the shallow sublittoral (subtidal) zone which may be encountered on the extreme lower shore. The classification is presented in hierarchical format and through a series of habitat matrices. A full set of descriptions for sublittoral types is provided in a companion volume (Volume 2).

Given the age of the original copy of this document, please note the following:

  • Due to some formatting changes, some of the page numbers listed in the 'Contents page' or on page 38 (Section 4.3: The MNCR BioMar biotope classification – full list of types) are incorrect.
  • Plates 3–14 (page 217) are not available.
  • Appendix 4 ('Comparative tables of habitat and species data') is provided as a series of accompanying documents and spreadsheets. These include: an explanatory note; Biological Comparative Tables – Excel 2000 version; Biological Comparative Tables – Excel 97 version; Physical Comparative Tables.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 1997··

Connor, D.W., Brazier, D.P., Hill, T.O. & Northen, K.O. 1997. Marine Nature Conservation Review: marine biotope classification for Britain and Ireland. Volume 1. Littoral biotopes (Version 97.06). JNCC Report No. 229, JNCC, Peterborough, ISSN 0963-8091.

Volume 1: Littoral biotopes (version 97.06) of the classification of benthic marine biotopes, developed by the Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR) as a contribution to BioMar.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC publisher

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2021·01·19

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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