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JNCC Practice Notes 2018


JNCC's Practice Notes are designed to provide brief and useful summaries of our work to a range of different natural resource practitioners, including the UK business sector. Many will be derived from technical reports published in JNCC's Report Series.

JNCC is seeking to increase the utility of its work to a wider range of stakeholders, whilst retaining its UK and international focus. This is in keeping with the growing interest in natural capital and new ways of valuing and accounting for natural resources within land and sea management systems. The Practice Note series has been developed with this in mind; the documents provide information that can be readily applied by different sectors of society when considering dependencies and impacts on nature.

The following practice notes are available:

  • Practice Note 1: Realising the value of natural capital to UK businesses in the electricity supply sector (October 2015)
  • Practice Note 2: Realising the value of natural capital to UK businesses in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector (October 2015)
  • Practice Note 3: Integrated Value Creation from Natural Capital (May 2016)
  • Practice Note 4: Sustainable finance in Caribbean Islands (August 2017)
  • Practice Note 5: Biodiversity Risk – Integrating Business and Biodiversity in the Tertiary Sector (November 2018)
  • Practice Note 6: Mainstreaming international biodiversity goals for the private sector (November 2018)

Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2018··

JNCC's Practice Notes are designed to provide brief and useful summaries of our work to a range of different natural resource practitioners.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC distributor

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2020·06·16

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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