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The BIG PICTURE II: Benthic Imagery Workshop 2021 (Resources) 2021


JNCC hosted The BIG PICTURE II: Benthic Imagery Workshop 2021 on 2, 3 & 4 March 2021. The three-day workshop brought together a wide group of stakeholders from across the marine monitoring community, and provided an opportunity to share progress; consider funding opportunities; and to discuss the challenges of innovation in benthic imagery, including the development of standards and collaborative working in the UK and beyond.

Provided here are copies of the slides presented during the workshop. A workshop report summarising the event has also been produced, and videos of the sessions can be accessed from The BIG PICTURE II webpage.


Day 1

Introduction to the workshop: Welcome, practicalities, working style and programme – reviewing the context and background, and aims and objectives of the workshop.

Session 1: The journey from BIG PICTURE to Benthic Imagery Action Plan (BIAP) to Big Picture Group to Project Working Groups (PWGs).

  • Development of the UK Benthic Imagery Action Plan (Henk van Rein, JNCC)
  • Formation of the Big Picture Group (Henk van Rein, JNCC)
  • Project Working Groups and looking ahead (Henk van Rein, JNCC)

Session 2: Early successes of BIAP: Benthic imagery purposes, Quality Assurance Framework, Epifauna Identification Protocol.

  • Development of standard benthic imagery purposes (Henk van Rein, JNCC)
  • Development of Quality Assurance Framework (Jess Taylor & Graeme Duncan, JNCC)
  • The Epifauna Identification Protocol (Jess Taylor, JNCC)


Day 2

Introduction: Arrival and plan for the day.

Session 3: BIAP progress in the digital realm: AI, Data flows and Catalogues.

  • Artificial intelligence approaches for benthic imagery (Kerry Howell, University of Plymouth)
  • Benthic imagery data flows (Dan Lear, Marine Biological Association of the UK / Data Archive for Seabed Species and Habitats)
  • Benthic imagery catalogues (Graeme Duncan, JNCC)

Session 4: Continual progress of BIAP in day-to-day analysis: Annotation, Identification and Enumeration.

  • Identification approaches used for benthic imagery data (Joey O’Connor, JNCC)
  • Enumeration approaches used for benthic imagery data (Jon Hawes, Cefas)
  • Imagery annotation software (Mark Burton, Natural Resources Wales)


**Day 3**

Introduction: Arrival, recap, and plan for the final day.

Session 5: Training, standards and acquisition approaches for the future

  • Training approaches for deep sea imagery (Jaime Davies, University of Plymouth)
  • Development of benthic imagery workflow guidance (Ross Bullimore, Cefas; and Mike Fraser, Natural England / Environment Agency)
  • Overview of benthic imagery acquisition approaches (Henk van Rein, JNCC)

Session 6: The future of The BIG PICTURE


JNCC would like to thank all participants for attending and engaging, and all speakers for presenting, and allowing their presentations to be shared.

For more information on the event, and to access all the resources, please visit The BIG PICTURE II webpage.

Please note these resources may not be fully accessible. An accessible version of the Workshop Report has been produced, which provides a summary of the event. If you would like to request an accessible version of any of these presentations, please get in touch.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2021·03·01

These resources were produced for The BIG PICTURE II Benthic Imagery workshop, held in March 2021

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC distributor

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2021·07·28

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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