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A review of current evidence on carbon fluxes and greenhouse gas emissions from UK peatlands 2011


This study considers the current evidence on fluxes of carbon (C) and greenhouse gases (GHG) from UK peatlands, including managed peatlands.

The review took two approaches in order to understand the carbon and GHG. Firstly, a Bayesian meta-analysis approach was used in order to combine studies; predict the probability that a management will result in an improvement in the C or GHG budget; and calculate an equivalent number of complete C and GHG budgets that the reviewed literature represents. The second approach was to use results from computer modelling in order to construct significant linear models for a range of peatland settings.

The study was able to consider the following land uses: semi-natural; drained; drain-blocked; burnt; grazed; forested; bare and revegetated peatlands; cutover and restored; cut or mowed peatlands; and converted to agriculture.

The meta-analysis and review show that not all modified peatlands are carbon or greenhouse gas sources, just as not all “pristine” peatlands are net sinks of carbon or Greenhouse gases. Equally, peatland restoration may not necessarily lead to a peatland becoming a net sink of carbon or greenhouse gas.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2011·06·01

Worrall, F., Chapman, P., Holden, J., Evans, C., Artz, R., Smith, P. & Grayson, R. 2011. A review of current evidence on carbon fluxes and greenhouse gas emissions from UK peatland. JNCC Report No. 442, JNCC, Peterborough.

This review considers the current evidence on carbon and greenhouse gas fluxes from UK peatlands under differing land management states, to identify the additional evidence needs required to generate robust emission factors for UK peatlands.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC publisher

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2020·05·19

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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