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Priority Marine Feature polygon data in offshore MPAs - WMS layer 2022


This Web Map Service layer shows polygon data for Priority Marine Features in offshore MPAs in UK waters. Priority Marine Features are habitats and species considered to be of conservation importance in Scotland's seas. They include many features which are characteristic of the Scottish marine environment.

At present this layer only includes one habitat map from the 1515s JNCC/Marine Scotland Science collaborative survey to East of Gannet and Montrose Fields MPA, which took place in 2015.

This layer is available to view on the JNCC MPA mapper and can also be accessed via our WMS:

Resource type Service

Topic category Biota

Reference date 2022·03·03

03/03/2022 - Layer created

Responsible organisation
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC pointOfContact

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints None - This data is available under Open Government License

Metadata date 2022·03·09

Metadata point of contact
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC

Temporal extent ·· 2015·10·19

Spatial extent
North 64
South 54
East 3
West -26
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