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Model development to assess the vulnerability of the Cayman Islands to storm surge and inland flooding, and the role and value of natural capital in mitigating the impacts 2021


This study was undertaken as part of a programme of Natural Capital Assessment (NCA) in the UK's Caribbean Overseas Territories implemented by JNCC, and was conducted by Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions UK Limited. The Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), supported by the Conflict Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) is supporting the Cayman Islands Government to assess how nature can support disaster resilience.

To support this process, the primary purpose of this study is to assess the role and value of natural capital to mitigate the impacts of natural disasters on built infrastructure. Specifically, this relates to the provision of protection from coastal flooding and inland flooding as a result of extreme weather events. This information will be used by the Cayman Islands Government in developing plans, policies and procedures to deal with natural disasters by enhancing their ability to prepare for and recover from the impact of storm events.

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Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2021·08·02

Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions UK Limited. 2021. Model development to assess the vulnerability of the Cayman Islands to storm surge and inland flooding, and the role and value of natural capital in mitigating the impacts. Natural Capital in the UK’s Overseas Territories Report Series – Supplementary Report (Caribbean Region).  Contracted report to JNCC.

Contracted report to JNCC as part of the 'Natural Capital in the Caribbean and South Atlantic Overseas Territories: Valuation, Vulnerability and Monitoring Change' project.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC resourceProvider

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints The contents of this report are subject to copyright owned by JNCC, apart from the datasets that have been used to generate results, which are under licence.

Metadata date 2021·12·17

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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