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Quaternary of South-West England (Geological Conservation Review Series No. 14) 1998


Volume 14 of the Geological Conservation Review series, Quaternary of South-West England, describes in detail the most important Quaternary sites in South-West England. In describing the geomorphological heritage of these sites, this volume offers a remarkable account of how the natural environment responded, in terms of landforms, deposits and processes, and animal, plant and human communities, to the profound climatic fluctuations that have characterized the Quaternary - approximately the last two million years of geological time.

The clear, concise descriptions of the 63 nationally important GCR sites in this volume document a fascinating history of intense landscape and environmental changes within a relatively small area. how these landscapes came into being, the forces that shaped them, and the climatic extremes which drove these changes are some of the themes explored.

The contents of the volume include:

  • Prelims – including an introduction to the Geological Conservation Review (GCR) and the list of sites discussed in the volume.
  • Chapter 1 – Introduction to the Quaternary
  • Chapter 2 – The geomorphological evolution and Quaternary history of South-West England: a rationale for the selection and conservation of sites
  • Chapter 3 – Pre-Quaternary and long-term landscape evolution
  • Chapter 4 – Granite landscapes
  • Chapter 5 – Pleistocene cave sequences
  • Chapter 6 – The Quaternary history of the Dorset, south Devon and Cornish coasts
  • Chapter 7 – The Quaternary history of north Devon and west Somerset
  • Chapter 8 – The Quaternary history of the Isles of Scilly
  • Chapter 9 – The Quaternary history of the Somerset lowland, Mendip Hills and adjacent areas
  • Chapter 10 – The Quaternary history of the Avon Valley and Bristol district
  • References and Index

Please note: this volume has been produced from a scan of an original document. You may therefore experience fluctuations in quality.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 1998··

Campbell, S., Scourse, J.D., Hunt, C.O., Keen, D.H. & Stephens, N. 1998. Quaternary of South-West England. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 14, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0 412 78930 2.

Volume 14 of the Geological Conservation Review Series.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC publisher

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2022·03·21

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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