Resource type Service
Topic category Biota
Reference date 2024·09·09
09/09/2024 - Published individual records from the protected geodiversity features in Offshore Marine Conservation Zones WMS layers
26/02/2020 - Updated with feature data from the newly designated Tranche 3 MCZs: Geological process features updated with data for Holderness Offshore MCZ and marine process features updated with data for South West Deeps (East).
04/04/2016 - Layers first created
Responsible organisation
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC
Limitations on public access All layers are freely available with BGS referenced.
Use constraints When used on any public site, data must not be in a form that can be reversed engineered.
Metadata date 2024·09·11
Metadata point of contact
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC
Temporal extent ·· 2010·01·01
Spatial extent | |
North | 56.610819 |
South | 48.166667 |
East | 2.89477 |
West | -9.800056 |