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Isle of May seabird studies in 2004 2005


This report summarises the results obtained in 2004 from the monitoring of various seabird species on the Isle of May. The 2004 breeding season was the least successful ever recorded for most seabirds on the Isle of May. Adult return rates of all the species followed were normal or above average, indicating that survival was generally high. European shags, black-legged kittiwakes and common guillemots all bred late. Most species appeared to find conditions difficult, with colony attendance being low.

Problems were exacerbated by strong winds and prolonged heavy rain in late June, which resulted in the deaths of large numbers of young of shags and puffins. Although lesser sandeels remained the main food of young puffins and kittiwakes, guillemots and razorbills fed their young mainly clupeids and shags brought in a wide variety of bottom-living fish.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Biota

Reference date 2005··

Harris, M.P., Wanless, S., Murray, S. & Mackley, E. 2005. Isle of May seabird studies in 2004. JNCC Report No. 375, JNCC, Peterborough, ISSN 0963-8091.

This report summarises the results obtained in 2004 from the monitoring of various seabird species on the Isle of May.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC publisher

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2020·07·13

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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