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Geological Conservation Review (GCR) csv extract of the GCR database (part) 2019


The GCR database contains information about the most important geological sites in Britain. The GCR programme is a list of 45 volumes, whose aim is to provide a list of features of interest in localities notified or being considered as SSSI. The sites included in the review have geological and geomorphological relevant features. JNCC is responsible for keeping the database up-to-date, as well as the website, and the country agencies for providing updated information of the sites.

Please note that this resource requires updating (June 2024), so is currently unavailable. You can find the lists of GCR sites on the JNCC website

Resource type Dataset

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2019·08·07

The information in the GCR series has been collected for the specific purpose of being published in book form. It is not, therefore, structured in a way that facilitates easy maintenance or reuse. For this reason, JNCC produced a web-based application to allow users to query the database. This database is in an Access format and contains a list of tables and queries used to feed the online application. Sites flagged for deletion are excluded from the web search.

Responsible organisation
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC custodian

Limitations on public access None

Use constraints None

Metadata date 2024·06·06

Metadata point of contact
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC

Temporal extent 1900·01·01 2019·08·07

Spatial extent
North 60.879088
South 50.353962
East 2.303333
West -8.717393
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