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Seabird Oil Sensitivity Index (SOSI) 2016


The Seabird Oil Sensitivity Index (SOSI) is a tool produced by HiDef and commissioned by Oil & Gas UK that identifies areas at sea where seabirds are likely to be most sensitive to oil pollution. It is used in oil and gas development planning, and in oil spill emergency response.

Available here are the GIS project files, which provide a GIS version of the mapping outputs provided in the accompanying report, and a user guide for using the GIS files. The Seabird Oil Sensitivity Index (SOSI) GIS Project is supplied as 12 ZIP files, one for each month of the year. The files should be extracted and will install 12 data folders, each storing two geodatabase (.gdb) files and 11 layer files.

Additional information is provided on using the SOSI to inform contingency planning.

Resource type Dataset

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2016·03·31

Seabird survey data has been collected from 1995 to present from a wide survey area extending beyond the UK Continental Shelf using boat-based, visual aerial, and digital video aerial survey techniques.

Responsible organisation
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC owner

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints The Seabird Oil Sensitivity Index (SOSI) Update data developed by HiDef and for a Steering Group facilitated by Oil & Gas UK is provided by Oil & Gas UK in good faith to JNCC, but Oil & Gas UK accepts no responsibility for any damage or losses that may arise from use of this SOSI dataset. Copyright in this material rests with Oil & Gas UK, and Oil & Gas UK supports the free distribution of the dataset through JNCC provided it is not marketed, distributed or sold as a commercial product by JNCC or users of the dataset.

Metadata date 2020·05·01

Metadata point of contact
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC

Temporal extent 1995·01·01 2016·03·31

Spatial extent
North 63.69
South 47.14
East 3.76
West -25.33
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