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Grey long-eared bat surveillance 2012 2012


The grey long-eared bat (Plecotus austriacus) is considered to be one of the rarest bat species in the UK, with an estimated population of 1,000 individuals. In the UK its recorded distribution is largely confined to the extreme south of the British Isles. It may also be under-recorded due to the difficulty of separating it from the more common and widespread brown long-eared bat (P. auritus).

This study aims to improve our knowledge of the distribution of grey long-eared bat across its UK range through carrying out DNA analysis on droppings collected from long-eared bat roosts in target areas to provide verified identification to species level.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2012·11·01

Barlow, K.E. & Briggs, P.A. 2012. Grey long-eared bat surveillance 2012. JNCC Report No. 478, JNCC, Peterborough, ISSN 0963-8091.

This report explains how a non-invasive sampling method and DNA analysis of droppings helped to improve our knowledge of grey long-eared bat distribution across its UK range.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC publisher

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2020·09·10

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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