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Marine Recorder Public UK snapshot – v20220124 (Latest version) 2022


The Spring 2022 Marine Recorder version 52 public snapshot. The Marine Recorder database holds information on UK marine benthic data such as species, biotopes and physical attributes. Data extracted from a Marine Recorder database into a queryable format is known as a Marine Recorder Snapshot. This is an Access database and does not require installation of the Marine Recorder application. JNCC periodically compiles and combines all local Marine Recorder Snapshots into a single UK-wide version. A public version of this snapshot is available for download.

This current snapshot contains:

  • 4,146 Surveys

  • 249,815 Biotope records

  • 3,792,769 Species records

Resource type Dataset

Topic category Biota

Reference date 2022·01·24

Data derived from UK Marine Recorder (Public) snapshot (v20220124), available from - downloaded on [date]. Data licenses, access and use limitations as described per survey as contained within the database.

On a six-monthly basis, JNCC combines the snapshots from all local holders and complies them into a UK-wide version. The contributors to the Marine Recorder Snapshot are: Centre for Environmental Data and Recording (CEDaR, Northern Ireland); Data Archive for Seabed Species and Habitats (DASSH); Joint Nature Conservation Committee; Natural England; Natural Resources Wales (formerly Countryside Council for Wales and referred to as such or CCW in this version); Porcupine Marine Natural History Society; NatureScot (formerly Scottish Natural Herritage); Seasearch (Marine Conservation Society); Shoresearch Kent Wildlife Trust; The Wildlife Trusts.

Responsible organisation
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC custodian

Limitations on public access None

Use constraints Database provided under Open Government License v3. Individual data contained within are subject to data limitations described within the database.

Metadata date 2022·09·15

Metadata point of contact
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC

Temporal extent 1743·01·01 2021·12·20

Spatial extent
North 67.907194422
South 28.05062864
East 11.1075688770467
West -28.7185524
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