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St Helena Natural Capital Modelling 2019


This report presents the findings of a study that modelled St Helena’s natural capital including an exploration of different future development scenarios. The model is not intended to provide the ‘right’ answers to questions of land use and environmental management. Instead, it aims to improve understanding of natural capital linkages and inform better decision making. In particular there may be important trade-offs or synergies between different natural capital benefits that need to be identified and considered. We use a spatial approach that maps natural capital inputs and outputs which can be readily interpreted, and compared to stakeholder knowledge of land use on St Helena. The model is a simplification of reality and is based on a limited set of inputs that describe St Helena’s natural capital. For example, the model outputs do not reflect institutional factors such as land ownership and tenure, or designated areas such as National Conservation Areas2. The model also focuses on the vegetated terrestrial habitats within the ‘green heart’ of the island.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2019·04·01

McVittie, A., Hutchison, J. Marengo, I. and Smith, N. (2019) Modelling St Helena’s Natural Capital.

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Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC distributor

Limitations on public access Open

Use constraints Open, cite source of data

Metadata date 2019·08·20

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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