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Protected Key Geodiversity Areas in Scottish Waters - WMS layer 2020


This Web Map Service layer shows polygon data for key geodiversity areas which overlap with offshore Scottish MPAs designated for geological or geomorphological features.

For more information on key geodiversity areas please see:

Resource type Service

Topic category GeoscientificInformation

Reference date 2020·12·18

19/06/2019 - Layer added - using data extracted from GeMS v4.15

Responsible organisation
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC pointOfContact

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints This data has been collated by NatureScot and Joint Nature Conservation Committee. Individual record ownership varies, and is attributed in the feature 'copyright' information on the MPA mapper. Details of re-use limitations are given in the 'use limitations' field. Where no re-use information is available further information should be sought from the record owner.

Metadata date 2022·02·02

Metadata point of contact
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC

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