Resource type Publication
Topic category Environment
Reference date 2018··
Bosanquet, S.D.S., Ainsworth, A.M., Cooch, S.P., Genney, D.R. & Wilkins, T.C. 2018. Guidelines for the Selection of Biological SSSIs. Part 2: Detailed Guidelines for Habitats and Species Groups. Chapter 14 Non-lichenised Fungi. JNCC, Peterborough.
This chapter updates and, along with Chapter 12 Bryophytes and Chapter 13 Lichens and associated microfungi, replaces the previous Non-vascular plants SSSI Selection Guidelines chapter (Hodgetts 1992); it also replaces the previous chapter for Grassland Fungi (Genney et al. 2009).
Responsible organisation
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC
Limitations on public access None
Use constraints None
Metadata date 2019·06·25
Metadata point of contact
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC