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JNCC Sentinel-1 Backscatter Data Provision Service: SAR processing methodology 2018


The Defra Earth Observation Centre of Excellence (EOCoE), through its EODIP (EO Data Integration Pilot) Programme carried out research into several applications of SAR data from the Sentinel 1 satellite. To maximise efficiency, JNCC routinely generated analysis-ready forms of Sentinel-1 data and make these available for use for a range of applications.

In 2017-18, JNCC commissioned Airbus Defence and Space Ltd to investigate several technical issues regarding the production of standardised backscatter data derived from Sentinel-1 imagery. This entailed processing data using different combinations of settings and presenting the results of these tests to inform future modification of the processing workflow.

The full report and a summary version are both available to download.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2018·02·09

Minchella, A. 2018. JNCC Sentinel-1 Backscatter Data Provision Service: SAR processing methodology. Report produced by Airbus Defence and Space for JNCC.

This report was produced for JNCC by Dr Andrea Minchella at Airbus Defence and Space Ltd. Sentinel-1 input data was provided by the European Space Agency (ESA). ESA's SNAP Toolbox was used for data processing. Digital Elevation Models used for data processing were provided by Aerial Photography of Great Britain (APGB) and Ordnance Survey. This work was supported by the Defra Earth Observation Centre of Excellence.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC custodian

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2021·02·16

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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