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Guidelines for selection of Earth Science SSSIs 1993


Guidelines for Selection of Earth Science SSSIs - Rationale, Operational Approach and Criteria

JNCC, working with the country nature conservation bodies, is the focus for the guidelines for the selection of Earth science Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs). The term 'Earth sciences' as used here encompasses both geology and geomorphology.

The Geological Conservation Review (GCR) programme of work began in 1977 under the auspices of the former Nature Conservancy Council. The aim of the GCR was to identify the best, most representative, Earth science sites in Great Britain, with a view to their long-term conservation. Before the GCR, there were already SSSIs designated under existing legislation for their geological and geomorphological features, but the Review was a 'from scratch' assessment exercise. After re-evaluation, nearly all of the pre-1977 Earth science SSSIs were confirmed as retaining their national importance, and were therefore selected as GCR sites, and additional localities also deemed to be of national importance to the study of Earth sciences were identified, creating the comprehensive GCR site 'register'. The GCR register, its rationale and methods, presently underpins the process of selecting Earth science SSSIs and sets out the general principles upon which the nature conservation agencies reach judgements regarding special scientific interest of Earth science sites. In March 1993, the JNCC approved the document 'Guidelines for Selection of Earth Science SSSIs', which summarised the approach adopted in the GCR. In 1996, the rationale and methods of the GCR were published in 'An Introduction to the Geological Conservation Review' (volume 1 of the GCR Series).

In Northern Ireland the designation Areas of Special Scientific Interest (ASSIs) is the equivalent of the SSSIs, and, for Earth science sites, is underpinned by the Earth Science Conservation Review (ESCR). The responsibility for the identification and designation of these sites rest with the Environment and Heritage Service, Northern Ireland.

Resource type Publication

Topic category GeoscientificInformation

Reference date 1993··

JNCC, (1977), Guidelines for selection of Earth Science SSSIs, JNCC, Peterborough.

Before the GCR, there were already Sites of Special Scientific Interest designated under existing legislation for their geological and geomorphological features, but the Review was a ‘from scratch’ assessment exercise.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC publisher

Limitations on public access None

Use constraints None

Metadata date 2019·09·16

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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