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JNCC, Natural England and Cefas position on the use of quieter piling methods and noise abatement systems when installing offshore wind turbine foundations 2025


Growing concerns over the effects of unabated pile driving noise on marine protected species have led the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), Natural England (NE) and the Centre for the Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) to, in their capacities as statutory and/or scientific advisors, take a fresh look at the scientific evidence and regulatory process relevant to offshore windfarm construction.

Standard marine mammal mitigation measures (e.g. pre-piling searches and acoustic deterrents) are used during pile driving to reduce potential injury effects from underwater noise. However, the risk of disturbance resulting from piling noise occurs at much greater distances than can be mitigated with standard measures.

This joint position has considered a review of available scientific evidence alongside industry engagement. These confirm that options for using quieter installation methods and noise abatement systems (NAS) are logistically feasible throughout UK shelf seas and are available to developers undertaking impact piling in UK waters.

This statement focusses on offshore renewables due to the large number of projects planned to be installed in the coming years and the scale of piling that may be associated with them. We are aware other industries may use impact piling when installing infrastructure and recommend they also consider whether quieter installation methods and/or NAS are needed when undertaking this piling.

A copy of a review undertaken by Cefas on evidence on the efficacy of underwater noise abatement (Cefas 2024) is also provided.

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Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2025·01·21

JNCC, Natural England and Cefas. 2025. JNCC, Natural England and Cefas position on the use of quieter piling methods and noise abatement systems when installing offshore wind turbine foundations. JNCC, Aberdeen.

This resource provides the JNCC, Natural England and Cefas position on the use of quieter piling methods and noise abatement systems when installing offshore wind turbine foundations.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC pointOfContact

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2025·01·21

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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