Resource type Service
Topic category Biota
Reference date 2023·12·19
19/12/2023 - BSH polygon layer updated to include EUSeaMap 2023 data in South West Deeps (East) MCZ, EUSeamap 2021 in Greater Haig Fras MCZ and South of the Isles of Scilly MCZ where survey data is not available. Included BGS Kriging study results for South-West Deeps (West) MCZ where survey data does not exist. Updated West of Copeland MCZ deleting UKSeaMap 2018 and uploading Isle of Man Sandbanks survey 2005 and EUSeaMap 2021 data.
04/03/2022 - BSH point layer updated to include Dogger Bank SAC survey data from CEND0708, IBTS 2011 North Sea survey and CEND1014. BSH polygon layer updated with EUSeaMap 2021 data for Dogger Bank SAC and East of Start Point MCZ.
16/08/2021 - BSH point and line layers updated to include new survey data from CEND0917
01/06/2021 - BSH polygon layer update to remove polygons from map GB000980.
22/07/2020 - Datasets updated to include feature data for the joint inshore/offshore Natural England led Tranche 3 MCZs
26/02/2020 - Datasets updated to include feature data for the offshore JNCC led Tranche 3 MCZs
26/02/2019 - Datasets compiled
Responsible organisation
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC
Limitations on public access No limitations
Use constraints Individual record ownership varies, and is attributed in the feature 'copyright' information on the MPA mapper. Further information on re-use limitations should be sought from the record owner.
Metadata date 2023·12·20
Metadata point of contact
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC
Temporal extent 1998·01·01 2021·12·31
Spatial extent | |
North | 63.88707 |
South | 47.43539 |
East | 3.39855 |
West | -25.13538 |