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Review of marine biodiversity assessment obligations in the UK. Part I: A summary of the marine biodiversity assessment obligations stipulated within national and international legislative and policy instruments 2014


This report is Part I in a series that investigates and analyses several national and international legislative and policy instruments, including obligations to assess biodiversity in both Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and the wider marine environment.

Part I reviews and summarises the assessment requirements of each instrument against a standard framework and acts as a reference document for JNCC, and more widely, to aid the understanding of the overall requirements for marine biodiversity assessment and reporting. It also begins to build a detailed understanding of the assessment obligations in each of the legislative and policy instruments and the relationships between them. The collation of information in Part I facilitates the identification of areas of similarity and conflict between different obligations in Part II.

Accompanying Part I of the report are the following documents:

  • A high-level summary table.
  • Details of the draft MSFD GES targets/thresholds which were proposed by UK experts for the relevant biodiversity descriptor state and pressure indicators.

Please note, these documents were produced prior to the launch of JNCC's new website. Whilst every effort has been made to redirect material to the relevant content on the new website, some of the links within these documents may no longer work.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2014·03·01

Hinchen, H. 2014. Review of marine biodiversity assessment obligations in the UK. Part I: A summary of the marine biodiversity assessment obligations stipulated within national and international legislative and policy instruments, JNCC Report No. 497 (Part I), JNCC, Peterborough.

This report investigates and analyses several national and international legislative and policy instruments, including obligations to assess biodiversity in both Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and the wider marine environment.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC publisher

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2020·05·27

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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