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UK inshore Special Protection Areas: a methodological evaluation of site selection and definition of the extent of an interest feature using line transect data 2005


The EU Birds Directive (79/409/EEC) provides for the protection, management and control of naturally occurring wild birds of EU Member States. Article 4 of the Birds Directive requires that Member States identify and classify the “most suitable territories” in size and number for rare or vulnerable species listed in Annex I (Article 4.1), and for regularly occurring migratory species not listed in Annex I (Article 4.2). In the UK, these protected areas are known as Special Protection Areas (SPAs).

JNCC, in collaboration with the four country nature conservation bodies, undertook to provide advice on protection of birds found in the marine environment. Initial work on the implementation of the Birds Directive in the marine environment is provided in JNCC Report No. 325. Three strands of work were identified: (i) seaward extensions of existing seabird breeding colony SPA boundaries beyond the low water mark; (ii) inshore feeding areas used by concentrations of birds (e.g. seaducks, divers and grebes) in the non-breeding season; and (iii) offshore areas used by marine birds, probably for feeding but also for other purposes.

The methodological basis for identifying inshore marine SPAs for seaducks, divers and grebes under strand (ii) is discussed in this report. Many seabird species form important wintering aggregations in UK inshore marine waters (JNCC Report No. 333). This report presents the current scientific methodological basis for site selection and defining the extent of the interest feature (a natural or semi-natural feature for which a site has been selected), with a view to providing guidelines for setting appropriate marine SPA seaward boundaries for inshore aggregations of divers Gaviidae, grebes Podicipedidae and seaducks Anatidae, outwith the breeding season.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2005·06·01

McSorley, C.A., Webb, A., Dean, B.J. & Reid, J.B. 2005. UK inshore Special Protection Areas: a methodological evaluation of site selection and definition of the extent of an interest feature using line transect data. JNCC Report No. 344, JNCC, Peterborough, ISSN 0963-8091.

This report discusses the methodological basis for identifying inshore marine SPAs for seaducks, divers and grebes.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC publisher

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2021·02·17

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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