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Red-Throated Diver Energetics Project - 2018 Field Season Report 2018


The aim of this project was to reduce consent risk for offshore wind development in areas of high red-throated diver density, through improved understanding of diver energetic budgets in the non-breeding season.


Offshore wind farms are known to cause displacement of wintering red-throated divers (Gavia stellata), resulting in increased consent risk for projects planned for areas of high diver density. However, the consequences of this displacement at the individual and population level are unknown. Displacement is likely to increase energetic costs for divers but their ability to cope with these additional costs will depend on how energetically constrained they are. For the first time, energetics of red-throated divers is being investigated by the Red-throated Diver Energetics Project. Using time depth recorders and geolocators attached to red-throated divers on their breeding grounds, novel information on foraging behaviour of divers will be obtained.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2018·11·23

O’Brien, S., Ruffino, L., Lehikoinen, P., Johnson, L., Lewis, M., Petersen, A., Petersen, I.K., Okill, D., Väisänen, R., Williams, J. & Williams, S., (2018), Red-Throated Diver Energetics Project - 2018 Field Season Report, JNCC Report No. 627, JNCC, Peterborough, ISSN 0963-8091.

The project aim was to reduce consent risk for offshore wind development in areas of high red-throated diver density, through improved understanding of diver energetic budgets in the non-breeding season.

Responsible organisation
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC publisher

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2019·07·08

Metadata point of contact
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC

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