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The UK Terrestrial Biodiversity Surveillance and Monitoring Strategy 2009 2009


The 2009 JNCC's UK Terrestrial Biodiversity Surveillance Strategy has been superseded by the new strategy published in January 2020. The documents here form the 2009 terrestrial strategy, and although now superseded, are still useful for reference.

The 2009 Surveillance Strategy was developed by JNCC to help the funders of surveillance to ensure that there is sufficient surveillance in place to meet three objectives:

  • Objective 1: To measure status and trends of a framework of habitats, species, and their ecosystem functions;
  • Objective 2: To detect the impacts of pressures affecting biodiversity;
  • Objective 3: To assess the status of species and habitats covered by legislation and policy, and to help all who plan surveillance activities or use results from surveillance schemes.

An important part of the strategy was an analysis of surveillance requirements, identification of current coverage, gaps and overlaps, and setting out recommendations for the future development of surveillance. The Surveillance Framework contains an analysis of surveillance in relation to each of the objectives in the strategy.

The broad principles of the surveillance strategy are set out in Key Principles of the Surveillance Strategy.

Surveillance Hierarchy discusses the scale at which to deploy surveillance or research. This paper may help those who are commissioning or designing a surveillance scheme or research project to identify the appropriate scale for the activity.

The paper Prioritisation of surveillance for rare and scarce species using a ‘risk-based’ approach was designed as a tool to help those commissioning and designing surveillance of species that are not well covered by standard, often large-scale, surveillance schemes, and to prioritise targeted surveillance of species or species groups using a risk-based approach. With limited numbers of recorders and limited financial resources it is necessary that this additional surveillance is efficient, allowing species most likely to be declining to be surveyed most frequently.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2009··

A series of documents defining JNCC's UK Terrestrial Biodiversity Surveillance Strategy published in 2009

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC author

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2020·02·26

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

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