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EO4cultivar Colombia: Resources 2020


The EO4cultivar Project aims to increase the resilience and sustainability of commercial agricultural supply chains operating between Colombia, Peru, Paraguay and the UK. Two case studies have been undertaken as part of the project, in Colombia and Peru. The Colombian case study applies an integrated ecosystem approach to sustainable land management in the Magdalena region in northern Colombia. This economically important production area supplies bananas and other key commodities to UK supply chains.

The outputs from the case study include an online mapper, containing 14 interactive maps, which consider flooding, soil erosion and ecological connectivity. To accompany the mapper, the data underlying the mapper are available to download, along with the two project reports. A series of management guides have also been produced.


Project reports and data

The data from the mapper are available to download, along with two technical reports and the accompanying maps:

  • Habitat Mapping Report: This report sets out the process, methods and data that have been used to create the habitat map that underpins the modelled ecosystem service outputs.
  • Ecosystem Service Mapping Report: This report sets out the process, methods and data that have been adopted to create the modelled ecosystem service outputs.
  • Ecosystem service maps: Illustrations of the ecosystem service maps with summary text explaining each map, are available for download in .pdf and .png format.
  • Habitat Map and Ecosystem Service Modelling Data Download: the outputs of the habitat and ecosystem service mapping carried out as part of this project are open-access and available to download as a zip file. The data include: a 10 m resolution habitat map of the area of interest, river system and urban land cover masks, area of interest boundaries, and metadata. Data are provided in .cpg .dbf .prj .qml .qpj .shp .shx formats.


Management guides

In order to link the ecosystem service modelling to practical management interventions on the ground, the project developed a set of management guides that can be used in conjunction with the ecosystem service modelled outputs. The guides focus on the management of water, soil, biodiversity and cultural ecosystem services:

  • Soil Management Guide: provides information on the function that soils plays in delivering ecosystem services and the type of ecosystem-based management that can be undertaken to sustainable manage soil.
  • Water Management Guide: provides contextual information regarding ecosystem services that influence the supply and management of water resources.
  • Biodiversity Management Guide: provides contextual information on the function that biodiversity plays in delivering benefits to humans through the concept of ecosystem services.

The cultural ecosystem services guide will be provided when available.


For more information, visit the project webpage.

These resources are also available in Spanish / Estos recursos también están disponibles en española.

Resource type Publication

Topic category Environment

Reference date 2020··

The EO4cultivar Project is funded by the UK Space Agency under the International Partnership Programme and began in 2017.

Responsible organisation
Communications, JNCC distributor

Limitations on public access No limitations

Use constraints Available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Metadata date 2021·07·02

Metadata point of contact
Communications, JNCC

Spatial extent
North 11.0396
South 10.5602
East -73.6878
West -74.3643
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